2025 Vegetable Plant Order Request
If more than 6 plants are needed in any 1 variety, please note in the questions and/or comments section at the end.  Thanks!

After you fill out this order request, we will confirm your order via e-mail and notify you when it is available for pick-up.  Our tentative planned opening date is Friday, April 25.  If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out at 641-691-5036 or sonshinefarmsia@gmail.com.
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Qty 1
Qty 2
Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Arcadi (63 d)
Green Magic (57 d)
Gypsy (58 d)
Waltham 29 (95 d)
Brussel Sprouts
Qty 1
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Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Dagan (100 d)
Diablo (110 d)
Hestia (93 d)
Qty 1
Qty 2
Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Copenhagen (80 d)
Drago (93 d)
Golden Acre (62 d)
Late Flat Dutch (105 d)
Red Express (62 d)
Stonehead (60 d)
$3.50/each for 2 pack. $2.50/each for single. Qtys of 2 will come in 2 packs unless specified in comments section.
Qty 1
Qty 2
Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Delicious (85 d)
Hales Best (88 d)
Pike (80 d)
Qty 1
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Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Amazing (68 d)
Bishop (65 d)
Denali (73 d)
Snow Crown (50 d)
Qty 1
Qty 2
Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Tall Utah
$3.50/each for 2 pack. $2.50/each for single. Qtys of 2 will come in 2 packs unless specified in comments section.
Qty 1
Qty 2
Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Pickling Variety (58 d)
Slicing Variety (60 d)
Burpeless Variety (62 d)
Qty 1
Qty 2
Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Black Beauty (65 d)
Diamond (70 d)
Listada Di Gandia (85 d)
Orient Express (58 d)
Ping Tung Long (70 d)
Rosita (70 d)
Qty 1
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Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Lacinato/Dinosaur (50 d)
Red Russian (60 d)
Vates Curled (55 d)
Qty 1
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Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Kossak (80 d)
Terek (40 d)
Qty 1
Qty 2
Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Buttercrunch (67 days)
Romaine (70 days)
Pepper (bell varieties)
Qty 1
Qty 2
Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
California Wonder (green) (72 d)
Golden Calwonder (yellow) (73 d)
King of the North (red) (70 d)
Orange Sun (orange) (80 d)
Park's Whopper (green) (70 d)
Yolo Wonder (red) (75 d)
Pepper (sweet specialty)
Qty 1
Qty 2
Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Giant Marconi Red (72 d)
Gypsy (70 d)
Sweet Banana (72 d)
Pepper (salad varieties)
Qty 1
Qty 2
Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Lunchbox Orange (82 d)
Lunchbox Red (78 d)
Lunchbox Yellow (84 d)
Pepper (hot varieties)
Qty 1
Qty 2
Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Carolina Reaper (110 d)
Cayenne (70 d)
Garden Salsa (73 d)
Habanero, Orange (95 d)
Super Chili (70-75 d)
Thai Hot (95 d)
Cherry Big Bomb (65 d)
Pepper (hot varieties)
Qty 1
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Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Anaheim (72 d)
Chichimeca Jalapeno (75 d)
Jalapeno M (80 d)
Poblano (75 d)
Serrano (63 d)
$3.50/each for 2 pack. $2.50/each for single. Qtys of 2 will come in 2 packs unless specified in comments section.
Qty 1
Qty 2
Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Howden Field (100 d)
Jack O'Lantern (100 d)
Small Sugar (108 d)
Squash (summer)
$3.50/each for 2 pack. $2.50/each for single. Qtys of 2 will come in 2 packs unless specified in comments section.
Qty 1
Qty 2
Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Black Beauty (58 d)
Dark Green (50 d)
Golden Crookneck (50 d)
Squash (winter)
$3.50/each for 2 pack. $2.50/each for single. Qtys of 2 will come in 2 packs unless specified in comments section.
Qty 1
Qty 2
Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Acorn Table Queen (80 d)
Buttercup Burgess (100 d)
Butternut Waltham (110 d)
Delicata (80 d)
Spaghetti (90 d)
Sweet Potato
$2.50/each.  Will be available mid to late May.
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Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Georgia Jet (100 d vine)
Hernandez (100 d vine)
Orleans (100 d vine)
Vardaman (100 d bush)
Tomatillo/Ground Cherry
$2.50/each (need 2 for pollination)
Qty 1
Qty 2
Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Cisineros Tomatillo (85 d)
Everone Tomatillo (80 d)
Cossack Pineapple Ground Cherry (60 d)
Goldie Ground Cherry (75 d)
Tomato - Slicing (Hybrid)
Qty 1
Qty 2
Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Better Boy (70 d)
Big Beef (73 d)
Celebrity (70 d)
Early Girl (52 d)
Jet Star (75 d)
Rutgers (82 d)
Sunbrite (73 d)
Tomato - Slicing (Heirloom)
Qty 1
Qty 2
Qty 3
Qty 4
Qty 5
Qty 6
Amana Orange (90 d)
Aunt Ruby's German Green (79 d)
Aussie (80 d)
Azoychka Yellow Beefsteak (70 d)
Beefsteak (80 d)
Black Krim (70 d)
Brandywine (85 d)
Cherokee Purple (80 d)
Garden Peach (70 d)
German Giant (77 d)
German Johnson (85 d)
German Pink (78 d)
Indigo Blue Beauty (80 d)
Kellogg's Breakfast (80 d)
Mortgage Lifter (80 d)
Mule Team (78 d)
Red Rose (85 d)
Sioux (70 d)
Vintage Wine (84 d)
White Beauty (84 d)
Wisconsin 55 (78 d)