Burnout and the Physician Experience in Digital-First Healthcare: An assessment of the limitations and the benefits of emerging technology
Burnout was the pre-pandemic status quo, with physicians reporting their experience of it before COVID-19 even spread to the U.S. But now health systems are operating with renewed urgency to alleviate burnout’s drivers and exacerbators, moving beyond the familiar talking points to actually understanding the core of one of healthcare's most systemic, harmful problems.

In order to openly and collectively address burnout in the healthcare industry, Zoom is conducting a survey to learn more about healthcare professionals' experiences with technology and their relationship to burnout. Please help us in answering the following questions to shed greater light on the role telehealth and technology could play in alleviating stress and streamlining communications among care providers at work.
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Full listing (Name, job title, organization) *
Have you recently experienced feelings of burnout, defined as feeling emotionally or physically exhausted with a sense of reduced accomplishment and/or loss of personal identity? *
What do you see as primary drivers of healthcare professional burnout, whether it’s your own or more broadly in the field? [Select all that apply] *
If you answered 'Other' in the previous question, please type your answer below
Do you currently use telehealth as a healthcare provider to deliver care to patients? If yes, How many virtual visits/telehealth visits do you conduct in a week/month? *
If you answered 'Other' in the previous question, please type your answer below
What is your overall outlook on using telehealth services?   *
Please identify the factors of your work that are improved by telehealth. Select all that apply: *
If you answered 'Other' in the previous question, please type your answer below
Apart from telehealth, what else is video communications used for in your work? *
If you answered 'Other' in the previous question, please type your answer below
Outside of telehealth, do healthcare communication and collaboration technology platforms help improve your personal satisfaction at work, such as their use for meetings, chat, and other communication? *
If yes, what are the biggest drivers of satisfaction?
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If you answered 'Other' in the previous question, please type your answer below
If no, what are the biggest drivers of dissatisfaction?
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If you answered 'Other' in the previous question, please type your answer below
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