GAUpper: Enrollment and Permissions 20/21
Welcome to Apple Playschools!  Please complete the form below as the next step in your enrollment process.Your Program Director will contact you to confirm that we are able to accommodate your requested schedule. Permissions on this form are collected annually due to licensing requirements.
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Email *
Child's Name & Pronouns *
Child's Date of Birth *
Regular routine: Please tell us about your child; likes and dislikes, favorite foods, activities, nap schedule, regular people in child’s life:  This helps teachers and students alike with transitioning into a new environment.
Parent/Guardian Name & Pronouns: *
Name child calls you:
Phone Number: *
Home Address *
Please include street address, city, state, and zip code.
Contract Schedule
Please remember there is a 2-day minimum.
Early Drop off (7:30-8:30)
Morning Session (8:30-12:30)
Full Day (8:30-3:30)
Extended Day (8:30-5:30)
Contract Term *
Start Date Desired *
(Allergies) I/we certify that my/our child has the following known allergies: *
(Publications) I/we give permission for my child to be photographed (for use on website, in newsletters, promotional items, etc.): *
(Tadpoles) I/we give permission for my child to be photographed (for use on Tadpoles) and shared with the families in my/our child's classroom: *
(Barefoot) I/we give permission for my child to go barefoot in the outdoor classroom: *
(Walking field trips) I/we give permission for my child to go on walking field trips to the nearby  parks, library, farmer's market and other nearby locations: *
(Field trip transportation) I/we give permission for my child to use public transportation (the Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority bus system) for scheduled field trips: *
(Cream/Insect Repellent) I/we give permission for Apple Playschools employees to apply: Sunscreen, Insect Repellent, and Rash Cream. Also, I/we understand that I/we are responsible to label all the products my child possibly is going to use. *
(Animals) I/we give permission for my child to participate in curricular activities and experiences related to domesticated animals. I certify that any known allergies have been disclosed.   *
(Family Directory) I/we would like my/our information (name, email, phone number) to be included in the family directory, which will be shared with other participating families in the school. *
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