Greencycle Swap Sign-In
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th, 2024 | 12-3 PM 
JEMS 126, 424 Leonard St (Bayard St., entrance), Greenpoint/Williamsburg, Brooklyn

CLOTHES (babies', kids', women's, men's), SHOES, BOOKS, BEDDING, & TOYS. Clean and working items only. 

Recycle, reuse & renew!  Thank you for joining us to keep our world a little cleaner and beautiful.  We'll add you to our newsletters to keep you in the loop for future Town Square programs, including more Greencycle Swaps.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Mobile number *
Zip Code *
Are you donating items? *
Are you taking items? *
I affirm that everyone in my party will NOT shown any COVID-19 symptoms, test positive for COVID-19, traveled from a restricted state or country, or be exposed to anyone who is sick or quarantined with COVID-19 during the 5 days before this event. *
I agree to maintain 6-feet social distancing for my family, and wear a mask if mandated by government regs or requested by an event organizer. *
How did you hear about this event? *
Would you like to get involved with Town Square BK and other programs like Greencycle Swap?  *
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