CityWide Stories: Pitch Form
Thanks for your interest in pitching to CityWide Stories!

CityWide Stories is a place for discovery. We are looking for underreported stories across neighborhoods in Philadelphia and Camden. We want readers to find out about new and interesting things, places, people and local businesses.

We’ve been on the Philadelphia scene as Flying Kite Media since 2010, and relaunched as CityWide Stories in 2017. Before pitching, please review some stories on for an idea of our style and focus areas. Our fees for articles and other media are negotiated on a per-project basis.

CityWide's coverage areas include:

- Doers: stories, photo essays, and profiles on makers, builders, businesses

- Places: features, photo essays, and updates on neighborhoods, green spaces and green building initiatives

- The Report: long form articles covering science, tech, health, policy

- Exchanges: profiles and q&as with locals, first person narratives, culture pieces

Please tell us a bit about yourself, your pitch, and how to get in touch with you:

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Phone Number
Email Address
Do you prefer to pitch stories or have a list of potential assignments to choose from?
What neighborhood do you live in?
Please provide links to your portfolio or recent work.
Briefly state your pitch below (approx. 200-300 words).
How does your pitch spotlight a new perspective or an under-covered story? (approx. 200-300 words)
Have you begun the research or writing on this project?
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Does your story have a particular peg or ideal timeframe?
Which social media channels (if any) are you most active on? Click all that apply.
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