Hello from Shurbeez Shih Tzu!
Thank you for filling out this questionnaire about your friend who is applying for a puppy from Shurbeez Shih Tzu. 

Many people are uncomfortable with a cold call from us asking about their friend, so hopefully this will be a more comfortable way for you to tell us about the applicant you know. Your answers help me match puppies with the best possible homes. We invest our loving care in the raising & training of our puppies, so we want to ensure that the homes they go to will be the perfect fit for them.

Please be honest in your replies.  If you don't know the answer just tell me instead of making up an answer or trying to guess what I'm looking for.

We appreciate your honesty and will not share your responses with the applicant, unless you allow.

Thank you for your time.
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Your FULL name, phone number, and email address? (just in case I have a question I'd like to follow up on) *
Name of the person who asked you to fill out this questionnaire? *
How do you know this person? *
How long have you known this person? *
Does this person rent or own their place of residence? *
Tell me about what you know of their history with animals. Does he/she currently have pets? How are pets treated in the home? Where and how are they housed? What happens to the pet when they go to work? Are pets left outside unsupervised for long periods? Do they use crates or kennels? Are their animals surgically sterilized? *
Would you be comfortable leaving your pet with them for extended periods? Why or why not? *
Tell me about what you know of their family dynamics. *
What kind of pet supervision do they have in their home? Do pets roam free, have a pet room, live in a kennel, stay in a kennel when people are over?  *
Tell me what you know about their financial stability. *
Do you have any reservations about this applicant, a member of their family, or any general comments about them? *
Would you like your responses to stay private? Explain. *
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