Audiobook Inquiries
Please use the attached form to contact Jillian Yetter regarding Audiobook narration and production requests.
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Email *
Name *
Author Name (if different from above)
Book Title *
Is this book a part of a series? *
If this book is a part of a series, are you interested in contracts for multiple titles?
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Word Count
Book Genre
In which type of contract are you most interested? *
Is there any sexually explicit material in this book?
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List any accents other than General American needed for this book.
Please listen to the audio samples at and indicate which sample is most similar in tone and voice to what you want for your book. If you heard samples on social media that more closely align, please indicate which clip in the "Other" section *
Do you have a specific deadline or expected timeframe for the completion of audio files? *At this time Jillian is scheduling at least 2-3 months out*
Amazon Link to Book Title
Instagram Handle (if available)
Additional Questions/Comments
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