8. Short BIODATA with email, in 3rd person to be read by the moderator ( maximum 150 words)Example: XXX, xxx@email, has been a full-time lecturer at XX University of (city), (country) since 1998. In addition to her teaching duties, she has been Chief Editor of her campus academic journal, (name) since 2001. She created a XX course so that her students can learn how to combine drama, writing, and graphic skills for fun. Her Faculty of XXX drama group called CamouFLAge was founded in 2013, which allows her to indulge in her hobby of directing students to produce staged drama and musicals. It has made her students enthusiastically follow her directions. Having some talent in creative writing, she runs a course entitled XXX. Not only are her students trained to use their imagination and their senses of seeing, hearing, and feeling to write on special themes such as the concern for Poverty Alleviation to write innovatively, creatively, and beautifully with emotions.