Coaching Consult with Agathe Lerolle

For executives wanting a transformation and full attention, I coach a unique process to guide the careers of high performers beyond glass ceilings and burnout energy.

Please fill out this form as detailed as possible so I can fully understand where you stand in your professional career. 

For any questions, please email me at

Email *
Your Full Name: *
Your LinkedIn Profile:
Provide your Resume through a Google Drive or Dropbox Link: *
Briefly describe your career right now. What do you love about it? What is working?  *
What are your biggest professional challenges right now? What is not working?  *
Have you ever invested in coaching or recent learning for your career?   *
Instinctively, would you be more interested in 1-1 or group coaching? *
Please briefly describe what you would like to achieve in your career or what you are struggling with and would like to let go of: *
Coaching requires an investment of your time, energy, and resources in exchange for transformation. Are you currently in a position to financially invest in your career?  *
Thank you for filling up this consultation form. 
Please click here to schedule a time for our call.
Looking forward to speaking soon. 

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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