Connecticut League of History Organizations 2020 Annual Conference Session Proposal Form
Complete this form to submit a session proposal for the Connecticut League of History Organizations' 2020 Annual Conference, "Stewardship 2020: Caring for the Past in an Uncertain Future."

The conference will take place on Monday, June 1, 2020 at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain. You can learn more about the CLHO conference at

Before submitting your proposal, please be sure to read the call for proposals at, which offers a detailed description of the conference theme.

Please note that most conference sessions are 50 minutes. For traditional panel presentations, we prefer complete session proposals consisting of more than one presenter—two or three is ideal—but we also accept individual proposals with the understanding that the conference committee may combine these into a complete session.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at
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Contact Information
Session Coordinator Name *
This person will be the primary point of contact for all communications from the CLHO Annual Conference committee.
Session Coordinator Email *
Session Coordinator Telephone *
Session Participants
Please provide a name, job title/position, organizational affiliation, email address, and brief bio (75 words or less) for each participant in your session, including the session coordinator.
Participant 1 (Coordinator) Job Title/Position *
Participant 1 (Coordinator) Affiliation *
Participant 1 (Coordinator) Bio *
75 words or less
Participant 2 Name
Participant 2 Email
Participant 2 Job Title/Position
Participant 2 Affiliation
Participant 2 Bio
75 words or less
Participant 3 Name
Participant 3 Email
Participant 3 Job Title/Position
Participant 3 Affiliation
Participant 3 Bio
75 words or less
Additional Participants
While we recommend that sessions include no more than three presentations, if your session has additional participants, please include their information here.
Session Information
Session Title *
Session Abstract *
Please provide a brief (50 words or less) description of the proposed session for the conference program.
Session Format *
What format will your session follow?
Audience *
At what sort of audience is your session aimed?
Session Description
Please describe your proposed session in 250 words or less. Be sure to identify the primary objective of the session, the main points or central issues you will be discussing and how you will be addressing them, the relation of your proposal to the conference theme of stewardship, and the audience for which your session is intended.
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