Moose Membership: 2024 Updated Info
Thank you for the assist in helping us keep our Munising Moose membership roster current!  This will be used for Moose purposes only and we will not share your information with anyone.  Communication is key in the success of any community outreach endeavor. It also gives you a voice on how you would like to participate as a Moose Member and what you would like to see over the next year in terms of lodge goals.  Without an active membership collective, we would not be successful in giving back to our community.

Going forward all email communications will come from Please check your spam to ensure Moose emails are coming through.

Moose Alerts aka text messages from Munising Moose Lodge will come from ‪(231) 518-1456.

Thank you for allowing us to stay connected!
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Email *
Name *
Cell Phone (Please leave blank if the number is not a cell phone number)
Home Phone  (Please leave blank if the number is not a home phone number)
Mailing Address
How would you like us to communicate with you? (Check all that apply)
What information would you like to receive? (Check all that apply)
Would any of these volunteer opportunities interest you? (Check all that apply)
What would you like to see develop with the Munising Moose Lodge over the course of this year?  Goals, Events, Fundraisers, etc cetera. *
Tell us about yourself. What things do you enjoy doing or what are you strong skill sets? (Baking, Volunteering, Marketing, et cetera)
Do you have any feedback for the new board going forward?
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