OPEIU Local 2 Lunch Hour Survey
Help us assess the impact of changes that HR Connect has brought on your ability to take a 1 hour long lunch.
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1. Name *
2. Personal Email Address *
3. Personal Phone Number *
4. Job Classification *
5. Have you in the past (before HR Connect) been able to take a 1 hour lunch break? *
6. Now that HR Connect has been deployed, are you regularly able to take a 1 hour lunch break? *
7. Is your department properly staffed to cover lunch breaks? *
8. Do you usually have enough time to leave the center during your lunch break? *
9. If you leave the center during your lunch break, how long does rescreening to get back into the center usually take? *
10. Do you have any comments about the 1 hour lunches that you'd like to share with us?
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