Do You Buy Used or Refurbished Electronics?
We're big on buying used. But we know not everyone is—and we want to know why. So if you have two minutes, do us a solid and fill out the form below! If a question doesn't apply to you, just leave it blank—and thanks!
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How often do you buy used electronics? (Not refurbished—just used devices from Craigslist, eBay, etc.)
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How often do you buy refurbished electronics (Used devices that have been fixed up for reselling at, Amazon, etc.)?
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Where have you bought used or refurbished electronics? (check all that apply)
What appeals to you about buying used or refurbished? (check all that apply)
What discourages you from buying used or refurbished? (check all that apply)
Have you ever been scammed when buying a used or refurbished product?
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If you have been scammed, can you tell us how? (Your answer will remain confidential)
What would make you more likely to buy used and refurbished products often? (Check all that apply):
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