NB - A PDF version of this form can be downloaded here.

In recognition of the long life of union and left activism by Rob Durbridge, a memorial fund has been established under the auspices of Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA in conjunction with the ACTU, the AEU and Rob’s family. 

The aim of the fund is to allow at least one union delegate/ activist per year to travel to visit Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA international program work on a solidarity trip. The fund aims for delegates/activists who would not otherwise be able to undertake an overseas trip to be funded, for example workers from a low paid industry, a casual worker or precariously employed worker.

Criteria for selection
  1. Be an active union delegate or activist; 
  2. Have support from her/his union to be selected; 
  3. Be keen to support international solidarity work on return in conjunction with their union and APHEDA. 
  4. Be a member of Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA. Application process Applications 
Selection process 
Applications open Monday, 20th February and close Monday, 17th April 2023. Applicants will be contacted on Friday, 28th April 2023 to be notified of the outcome of their application.

Applicants are asked to fill in a short application (below) outlining why they are interested and their views about global justice and international solidarity. A selection committee will review applications comprising of a representative each of ACTU, AEU, Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA and the Durbridge family. 

Unions are asked to promote the scheme, and support applicants to apply and support their delegate/activist on return. 

Successful applicants
Successful 2023 applicants will undertake a solidarity study tour in Timor-Leste on August 6-12, 2023, details of which can be found here

On return, participants are asked to help promote the scheme with APHEDA, via social media, with video, photos, interviews or other media. The applicant’s union might ask for other reporting back to the union, but a formal report from the applicant will not be required by APHEDA. Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA reserves to right to select the country/region of the trip. 

This will usually be in keeping with a priority campaign or issue, or where logistics are feasible for travel with support from APHEDA staff or partner organisations. Any successful applicant will have to agree to travel within the guidelines of APHEDA policy which includes being subject to an online Australian Federal Police check.
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Name *
D.O.B *
Phone *
Email *
Union *
Has endorsement been sought from from Union Secretary? Please provide their name and contact details. *
Tell us a bit about your experience as a union activist / delegate? *
What motivates your interest in global justice and international solidarity? Why do you care? *
If you were successful how do you think you might organise others at work or in the union to be active and interested in global justice work? *
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