Please read each section carefully so that we can expedite the scheduling process. This form does not guarantee an appointment. Limit to two services per Saturday. Appointments are scheduled in the order that they are received. All salon services are performed by students under the supervision of licensed instructors. *
First and lastname of person needing appointment (a separate form should be filled out for each person needing an appointment) *
Your answer
First and last name of student you are requesting (leave blank if you are not requesting student)
Your answer
Phone Number (Please provide a cell number if you prefer your appointment be confirmed by text) *
Your answer
Preferred method of communication *
Pleas select ONE preferred appointment request time. (Due to student availability, this does not guarantee your appointment time.) *
Service(s) requested. You can select 2 services from the menu below. Payments for services can be made with cash or card. Gratuity is appreciated not expected however, we can only accept cash gratuities. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.