Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct Formal Complaint
This form constitutes an official complaint with TTIC. Any person, including third parties or bystanders, may file a complaint, regardless of affiliation with TTIC. Complaints will be forwarded to the Title IX Coordinator, who will contact the complainant (if contact information is provided) regarding next steps.

All complaints will be treated with the utmost discretion and concern for the privacy of the individual(s) involved. You may keep your complaint anonymous by not including contact information; identifying information will not be collected unless you provide it.
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Special Note Regarding Sex-Based Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Complaints
Complaints involving sexual misconduct, including sexual assault (rape), sexual harassment, dating/domestic violence,  and stalking will receive follow-up regarding next steps and resolution options, if contact information is provided.

To receive support from a trained Confidential Advisor without making a report to TTIC, call Resilience at (773) 907-1062, tell them you are from TTIC and wish to speak to a Confidential Advisor. The Confidential Advisors at Resilience are trained in TTIC's processes, but are not required to share the details of your report (including your name) with TTIC or the police. All information you discuss with them remains confidential.

More resources for survivors of sexual misconduct are located at http://www.ttic.edu/resource-guide/.
Nature of this Report *
Date of Incident *
Time of Incident
Location of Incident *
Specific Location (address, office number, etc.)
Involved Parties (Names of Complainant, Witness, Accused -- OPTIONAL)
Incident Description (What happened?)
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