3 Sample Passing Quiz
Online Engagements
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1 Passing (Click video)
1. What is a good pass? *
10 points
Passing & Support (Click video)
2. What is passing & support? *
10 points
Penetration Pass (Click video)
3. What is penetration pass? *
10 points
Movement to receive pass (Click video)
4. What is the best move to receive a pass? *
10 points
Quick & Fluid Passing (Click video)
5. Why quick passing and movement important in attacking play? *
10 points
Good Pass (Click video)
6. What is a good pass in attacking play? *
10 points
Speed in passing & movement in attack (Click video)
7. Why it is vital speed of passing & movement in attacking play? *
10 points
Penetration run (Click video)
8. What is Penetration Run in attack? *
10 points
Combination Play in attack (Click video)
9. What is Combination Play in attack? *
10 points
Striker passing & movement in attack (Click video)
10. What is the best movement for Striker in attack? *
10 points
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