OUT101 Outdoor Media Production - Application Form - 2022
Do you enjoy outdoor activities and media production? This course aims to explore the interaction between mediated communication and its representations of surroundings, nature, locations and destinations.

The course is open to students with relevant studies in media production, marketing, journalism, and/or outdoor life. Admission is based on a motivation application and portfolio.

Admission is based on the following prerequisites:

- Basic practical skills in video production and post-production.
- Study participation requires good knowledge of the English language.
- Motivation application and portfolio.

You must be a student in an approved study program at Volda University College in order to qualify. Erasmus students and exchange students with a relevant background may also apply.

Admission will be based on previous education and documented experience relevant for the course. Please use this mandatory application form to tell us about your background and motivation for taking the course.

In addition to filling in this form, students in the AMF Media Production Program must select the course in their study plan.  Students in other study programs must have the course added manually by the VUC study administration.
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Name: *
Age: *
Email address: *
Mobile phone number (including country code): *
Education and work experience: *
Motivation for taking the course: *
Skills in media production: *
Describe your skills with camera equipment, editing, and post-production.
Previous experience with outdoor life: *
Links to relevant work, photos, video, etc: *
Please link to a showreel or examples of production work. (We give priority to applicants who link to samples of work.)
You need to have proper hiking boots, a backpack, and clothes suitable for being outside in all sorts of weather. *
Students are responsible for some additional expenses for transportation and food for trips in the local area *
The course is taught in English. How are your skills in English, verbally and written? Written individual assignments may be written in English or Norwegian. *
Other information: *
Do you have a drivers license (and a car)? Are there any health issues such as allergies, food intolerances or illnesses we need to know about? Anything else we should know that may be relevant?
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