Summer 2024 Elliot Park Neighborhood Connection, Care & Clean-up Walks SIGN UP
Understanding that the needs for Elliot Park neighborhood care and clean-up are ongoing, EPNI will host monthly Neighborhood Connection, Care & Cleanup Walks all are welcome to join throughout the summer, on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, from 4:00-5:15pm, meeting at the Elliot Park Rec Center, 1000 E. 14th Street:
We additionally invite neighbors to sign up to lead their own small walks, so together, we can cover more ground in keeping Elliot Park well cared for. We'll provide training & supplies and, you let us know what additional support you may need, if any.  Teamwork makes the dream work! 

If you would like to lead/co-lead your own walk, please fill out this quick form to let us know when and how you'd like to lead/co-lead (or join) a walk, and what support you need. Also feel free to reach out to EPNI with questions, at or call/text us at (612) 234-2280.

To request this information in another language or format, please contact hello@elliotpark.orgSi aad u codsato foomkan oo qaab ama luqad kale ah, fadlan la xiriir
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Email *
Name and pronouns
Elliot Park affiliation? (choose all that apply)
Phone number?
Best way to contact you? (Select all that apply)
When would you like to schedule your Elliot Park Neighborhood Walk / Cleanup? 

(Please note either specific preferred dates/times and/or whether you have flexibility with scheduling, and if so, please list some alternate possible dates.)
What goal/s do you have for the neighborhood walk would you like to lead/co-lead or join? (Please check all that apply.)
Tell us whether you have a preferred meeting place / area of the Elliot Park neighborhood you'd like to focus on for your walk/cleanup, and/or whether you'd rather focus on an area of most need? 
Which describes the kind of involvement or support you'd find most helpful from EPNI (check all that apply):
How often would you like to participate and/or lead a neighborhood walk/cleanup?
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THANK YOU for your interest in joining or leading an Elliot Park Neighborhood Connection, Care & Cleanup Walk!

If you have questions or want to talk more about your possible interest, please reach out to EPNI at or call/text us at (612) 234-2280.
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