Australian AlphaFold Service - Expression of Interest
A pilot Australian AlphaFold Service has been deployed via Galaxy Australia, and we are seeking expressions of interest for beta testers.  

The Service utilises underlying commercial cloud resource, and at this stage, depending on demand, we can't necessarily guarantee access to all.

We may be in touch to discuss your expected use.

Note that the AlphaFold Service is only available to Australian based researchers (including during the beta-testing phase).

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Privacy Collection Notice
By completing this form you agree that your responses will be provided to the Australian BioCommons and Galaxy Australia and will be used solely for the purposes of determining suitability for beta testing of the Australian AlphaFold Service. Your responses will be protected against unauthorised access and use; providing your name is required to enable any follow ups. For more information, see
Your email address *
The AlphaFold Service is only available to Australian based researchers. You must provide an email address from a recognised Australian institute (for a list, see
Your name *
Species of Interest *
Domain of Interest (for example: Immunology, Drug Design, Cancer, Evolution) *
Protein(s) of Interest (as name, UniProt ID or accession number, if known) *
Size ( in amino acids) of Protein(s)
Total Amino Acids to be visualised by Alphafold *
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