The Inspire Project – Consulting our Community
St John’s Church Ranmoor is a Sheffield landmark and has the tallest church spire in the city. However, we’ve recently discovered that our spire is in desperate need of repair. Whilst undertaking the spire repairs, we’re considering making some other changes to our building. We’d like to transform our church into a space where many more activities can take place, opening it up to the community and giving more people reasons to come in.

To help inform our plans, we’d like to hear from you. Surveys should be completed by an adult, however we’d encourage you to capture feedback from the whole household. All completed surveys will be put into a prize draw to win a £50 wine voucher for local winery StarmoreBoss.
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How often have you visited St John’s Church in the last 12 months? 
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Why have you visited St John's in the last 12 months?
How do you know about event and services at St John's?
How connected do you feel to St John's?
Not at all connected
Very connected
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What do you like about St John's?
Is there anything you don't like about St John's?
Is there anything that would encourage you to visit more frequently?
Thinking about the Ranmoor area, are there any groups or activities that you'd like available locally?
If St John's Church were to offer more of the activities above, how likely would you be to participate?
Not at all likely
Very likely
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St John's is an important part of local heritage, would you be interested in attending any of the following events?
St John's is considering a project to renew our facilities, what adjustments do you think we need to make to the church building to make it better suited to community use?
Would you be interested in hiring the church space for events. occasions or activities if it were redeveloped?
Is there anything else you'd like to contribute about St John's Church and its role in the Ranmoor community?
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