Project Snip Email List
To qualify for the program, you must be a resident of Massachusetts and legally own the cat(s) that you are scheduling the appointment for. This program is only available for owned cats. It is not available for cats under the care of another rescue or shelter. Furthermore, your cat must be less than 5 years old to participate. Cats older than 5 years old require bloodwork testing (for an additional fee) to ensure that it's safe for them to go under anesthesia.

By filling out this form you are being added to the Project Snip email list. Note that this is not a waitlist; you are simply signing up to receive email notifications of upcoming surgery dates. When we have available spots, you will be notified via email with instructions on how to secure your spot. 

Please note that by completing this form you are opting in to receive text messages and/or emails from Moby Kit Rescue.
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Email *
Name *
Cell Phone *
How many cats are you looking to fix (spay/neuter), and what is/are their sexes? *
For example: 1 female, 1 male
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