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2022 Duende-Word BIPOC Bookseller Award
Please use this form to submit your nomination. If you are nominating multiple booksellers, please submit a separate form for each nominee. Thank you for your submission!
For any questions about this form or submissions, please contact Aida Lilly,
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* Indicates required question
Your email address
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Your name
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Your organization/role
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Nominee's name
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Nominee's bookstore affiliation and role
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Nominee's contact email
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Nomination category (you may select multiple)
How long has the nominee been a bookseller?
Your answer
Describe the nominee's qualifications for this award. Please use specific examples, including initiatives spearheaded/supported, community/industry volunteer work, programs created/initiated, etc.
Your answer
If you would like to include any additional information, including links to relevant websites or articles, please do so here:
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