BMM 2.0 Sports (Cricket Tournament) Sign-up
Email *
First Name  *
Last Name *
Phone *
City, State (E.g. Austin, TX)
Mandal Affiliation  *
Name of your Cricket Team ('NA' if you are an organizer) *
Your role? *
Are you a Mandal Member *
Are you a वृत्त Subscriber *
I hereby give permission to BMM to share my data in its entirety with my affiliated Mandal and/or organizers of BMM initiatives.
I understand that BMM initiative participants data is a property of BMM and I agree not to copy/duplicate/distribute participants data to any individual/entity without BMM’s written permission. *
I agree not to solicit any of my/my organization's/third-party work/services to BMM initiative participants without BMM’s written permission. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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