Applications are processed for scholarship eligibility in March, April and May each year. Your application will be placed on a waitlist until March.

The TRAC scholarship provides an opportunity to study English, reading and/or math skills for a job and obtain a career certification.  TRAC will also teach you how to search, apply, and interview for jobs.

You must have US work authorization or proof of work authorization application receipt. You must search for employment after completing the TRAC program. This requirement will be explained in detail at the TRAC information sessions.

The TRAC application process can take 2 to 3 months to complete:  
1. Complete the TRAC application.
2. Attend a TRAC information session scheduled during March, April and May
3. Complete the TRAC Cohort Interest Survey. You will receive the survey after attending a TRAC information session.
4. Schedule a meeting to interview with the TRAC instructors through Sign-Up Genius. The Sign Up Genius link will be sent by email to eligible candidates after the applications have all been submitted.
5. You will be informed by email if you will receive a TRAC scholarship.

TRAC Application Instructions:
Please complete all the the questions below.  Then email all documents to to complete your application. Please type TRAC APPLICATION in the email subject line. Type your first and last name in the email.  
1. Resume - please list your education and work experience
2. Drivers License or Passport or Photo Identification
3. Photo of Work Authorization or Receipt of Work Authorization Request
4. High School Diploma, College/University Degrees, Certificates (translation to English is NOT necessary)

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Date of Birth *
Native Language *
Did you apply to TRAC before? *
What Troy Continuing Education ESL Class will you COMPLETE this year? *
Are you eligible to work in the United States? *
Do you have a social security card? *
What education did you complete? Check all that apply. *
What is the title of your degree? What did you study? *
What was your job before coming to the United States? *
Are you working in the US? *
If yes, what is your job in the United States?
Do you have a Michigan driver’s license? *
Are you comfortable driving? *
Please read and CHECK ALL program requirements as acknowledgement of scholarship recipient expectations. *
Signature *
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