Testimonial for Radiant Beans
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to complete a testimonial for Radiant Beans. Your testimonials are the best way to let the world know that we are real people looking to help others on their maker journeys, so once again, THANK YOU!
Name *
Please enter your name.
Tell us about your previous crochet or other crafting experience you had before attending our class(es). *
Tell us what you feel like you learned during your class and/or what projects you plan to take on with your new skills. *
Would you recommend a Radiant Beans class to a friend? If so, why? *
Do you consent to Radiant Beans using this testimonial on our website and/or social media accounts? *
Where did you first hear about Radiant Beans?
Social Media Handle (Optional)
Please enter your Instagram, Tik Tok, or other social media handle if you would like to be tagged in one of our posts.
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