"Want to make your eToro partnership business skyrocket & become your main source of income?  Apply now to join my Internationally hand-picked team of Social Trading Community Leaders worldwide!"

Dear colleague,

My name is Shai, and I am an experienced entrepreneur, an eToro partner and head of Social Trading Community Leaders program.

After establishing a very successful Social Trading Community as an eToro partner, I began a new venture with eToro, in which I help suitable people around the world, to establish their own business - become Social Trading Community Leaders.

Social Trading Community Leadership combines 5 fields that I have experience with, and helped me succeed: Internet marketing, social media, sales, trading and tutoring.

With this proven combination of knowledge and success in implementation, eToro understood the potential, and asked me to recruit and coach chosen motivated people, and to help them succeed like me - Here is a small example of how strong my system is:

Using my Social Trading Community Leader system, I achieved a 35% conversion from leads to clients, and a 300% ROI on my advertising budget! This is what I also want you to achieve - Plus very loyal clients who see you as their guide and mentor. You get recognition as a Leader, in addition of course to a very nice monthly payout :)

So what do I help you with? A partial list:
- Create marketing funnel & materials (video, email, web content etc.)
- Create Facebook and Adwords campaigns
- Find the right people to target in your campaigns
- Measure and improve your campaigns results
- Create long-term relationship with your community members
- Make your traffic worth more to eToro and thus increasing your potential income
- Make your members be your marketing agents and bring their friends
- Create Joint-Ventures, co-operations and collaborations that will provide you with more traffic

What's even more great about the whole thing? That my service is free of charge thanks to eToro's support, so it may be possible for you to get my system Plus all my knowledge & expertise for free!

How do you know if you are suitable for my program? Suitable people are ones with a lot of motivation and love for social trading idea, plus experience in On-line marketing, the more the merrier of course :)

How can you join? Simply. I now kindly ask of you to invest a few minutes of your time to answer these questions (All your information will remain strictly confidential).

Please bear in mind that the time I can invest here is very limited, since I have my own social trading community to run. That's why it is very important for me to invest my efforts only in a few dedicated and suitable people, and this information will help me determine whether we are suited to work together on this venture, and what is the best form to do so.

After receiving your information, I will personally be in contact with you.

Looking forward to great mutual business,

Shai Baaton,
Head of Social Trading Community Leaders program
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