Употребление historic/ historical/ prehistoric; economic/ economical/ economy/ economics; effective/ efficient

2.10. Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения.

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1.   Any occurrence in the past is a _______________ event.
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2.   The hotel’s staff are friendly and   _______________  .
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3.   The   US   has   been   the   world’s   largest   national ______________ since the 1890s.
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4.   What’s the most _______________way of heating this building?
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5.   A ________________ event is an important occurrence that stands out in history.
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5.   A ________________ event is an important occurrence that stands out in history.
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6.   My  brother  wants  to  enter  the  Higher  School  of______________ in Moscow.
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7.   Humour  is  often  far  more _____________ than shouting.
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8.   The  country  has  been  in  a  very  poor________________  state in recent years.
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