Summer Launching (Had Me a Blast) 2022
Summer Launching (Had Me a Blast) is NB Rocketry's first ever Canada Day weekend HPR launch event. The launch will be held in CFB Gagetown over the Canada Day weekend (July 1-3). This will be smaller scale event than our usual Rage at the Gage launch in September. To keep things simple with Transport Canada, flights are required to stay below 22,000 feet at this event*.

Registration deadline: June 15th.

Registration cost:
For High Power: $30
For Low and Mid Power: $5 per day
Camping: $5 per night

Please e-transfer amount to and set password to: gagetown2022

(*Note that if you are planning to fly a project that will go over 22k feet at our Rage at the Gage launch in September you should contact NB Rocketry by May 15th so that we can have time to put in the request for the necessary approval.)

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Name *
Email address *
Phone Number
CAR certification level, CAR # and expiry date (if you are not a registered CAR member, indicate so here). *
Are you attending this event alone? If not, give the name of the people who will be in attendance with you. *
Are you camping? ($5 per night) *
What are you flying? *
Are you planning to take the High Power Exam? *
What is your expected maximum altitude for the weekend? *
Tally your total below and e-transfer funds to before June 15th (set password to: gagetown2022)
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