Bike Camp Need-Based Scholarship Application
View camp details here: 

Please complete the following form if the cost of camp is a barrier to participation. Full and partial scholarships are available and based on both need and a first-come first-served basis. We will do our best to provide scholarship opportunities, however completion of this form is not a guarantee of receiving one. Contact Camp Manager, Aspen Saren, with any questions.

You will receive a follow up email within 2 weeks of your application. Application deadline is May 1! Keep in mind camps fill up fast, so early completion of this application is highly encouraged. 
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Camper's name *
Camper's current (2022-23) school year grade level
Our programs generally end around 9th or 10th grade, but we do have volunteer and employment opportunities available for youth (and adults) older than that.
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Camp(s) or Clinic(s) your camper is interested in
Select all that apply.  If you are unsure of the camp level, please refer to our website:
Parent/Guardian Name *
Last name can be omitted for privacy purposes, if preferred.
Parent/Guardian Email Address
You can leave blank if you would prefer to be contacted by phone.
Parent/Guardian Phone Number
You can leave blank if you prefer to be contacted by email.
Address - or just zip code
For data collection purposes only.
Approximate Household Income *
Please indicate your total annual household income from all sources (including wages, interest income, investments, alimony, child support, social security, public assistance):
Household Size
Household size includes all people (adults and children) living in the household, related or not (grandparents, other relatives, friends, etc.).
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Is your child eligible for a free or reduced lunch program at school?
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Has the child previously attended a Kids on Bikes camp?
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Has the child previously participated in a Kids on Bikes program or event at their school or community center?  If yes, which school or community center?
Does the child currently have a working and properly sized bike?
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Does the child currently have a safe and properly sized helmet?
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Please describe the financial need, or barriers to bicycling your child may have experienced. *
The income/household size and free/reduced lunch status is our main criteria for evaluating scholarship eligibility.  In lieu of that, we may be able to assist if there is anything else we should consider!
Please provide a brief description of why your child would benefit from a Kids on Bikes program. *
Will your camper have reliable transportation to and from the camp location?
Drop off begins 30 minutes before the start time for all camps, and pick up runs for 15 minutes after camp.  Kids on Bikes cannot provide transportation, but if this may be a barrier, let us know and we can see if there is anyone else in the camp willing to carpool.
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Would you like to be added to the Kids on Bikes newsletter?
Sent out approximately twice a month with information about other upcoming activities and ways to get involved. Please make sure your email address is listed above. 
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