ADAM TECH / Electronica Meeting Request
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. We aim to understand your availability so we can schedule the most suitable meeting time, ensuring our communication is efficient and meets your needs.  

[ Privacy and Confidentiality Statement ]
We highly value your privacy. The basic information you provide will only be used for this event, and it will be securely stored by our company and not disclosed to any third parties. Please feel comfortable sharing your responses.

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Event: Electronica Munich 2024
Date: 2024/11/12-15
Venue: Messe München, Munich
Adam Tech Booth No.: 215, Hall 2
Attendee Name *
Company Name *
Title *
Country *
Email (We will use this information to notify you of the scheduled meeting time via email.) *
Phone Number (This information will only be used to facilitate better communication with you for this event. )
Would you prefer to schedule a specific meeting time, or are you planning to visit at your convenience?
What is the topic of meeting ? *
Meeting Location ( If 'Other', please specify booth no. or address ) *
How many people will be visiting in total?
Please provide the names and email addresses of all attendees. (To ensure that your accompanying individuals receive the meeting invitation, please fill in their names and email addresses in the fields below. We will use this information to send them the meeting invitation via Outlook. )
Please indicate your preferred meeting duration. *
Please specify your preferred meeting date and time. 
(e.g., 11/12 10:00-11:00)  
Which of the following time slots are you available for meetings/drop by? (Multiple Choice)  
Are there any specific dates or time periods when you CANNOT attend a meeting?
Does your discussion topic require a private space?
(Due to the limited number of private meeting rooms, we will allocate them based on actual usage. We'll do our best to accommodate your needs and ensure the meeting goes smoothly.)
Do you have any other information or special requests that we should be aware of? Please provide any other relevant information or special requests here, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
Thank you for your time! 
We will contact you based on your responses and schedule the most suitable meeting time. We appreciate your support and cooperation!  

If you need to modify the information you have entered, please fill out this survey again. We will schedule the meeting based on your most recent submission.

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