Joint Venture Contact Form
Joint Venture to use our domain name for your business, pay later from your business earning.
No Cost or Fee charge and No contract binding. Cancel at any time if your business failure.
Our domain name will change to your hosting name server after Joint Venture approved. 

We do not accept to joint venture illegal business, porn, gambling, adult website or any infringement trademark and copyright.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your name or Company name or Your Business *
Your website.
If you have your domain business before Joint venture to us.
Our Domain name to Joint Venture *
Which our domain name would you like to joint venture?
About your project. *
How your project earning? 
Ex. Member subscription, consulting services

How long would you like to Joint Venture? *
Stop joint venture with us at any time, no cost or fee charge.
Earning share to us Payment Frequency
We accept ACH payment or International wire transfer swift code.
Total Guarantee Share Earning. (Per year) * *
USD : $

Guarantee earning share to us.

*Important question. The Joint venture may accept or reject depending on this answer.
Share Earning Growth (Per Year) * *
Ex. 5% , 1st year share earning $1,000 then share earning in 2nd year $1,050 
Ex. 25% ,  1st year share earning $200 then share earning in 2nd year $250 

*Important question. The Joint venture may accept or reject depending on this answer.
First date share earning payment to us.
Share earning to us from your business earning.
Your name server
Our domain name will change to your hosting name server after Joint Venture approved.
Or inform your nave server later after Joint Venture approved via email.
Additional Questions and Message to us
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