JavaScript Decimal survey
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Purpose of this survey
Decimals are base-10 numbers which logically have a decimal place, like 1.2. They could be represented by the application by multiplying it to be big enough to fit in an integer (e.g., 120), but they can't be accurately represented by JS numbers (1.2 is really  1.199999999999999955591... for example). In TC39, we're considering adding a built-in decimal type to ease representation and computation of decimals. See more details in the proposal README:

The Decimal proposal is based on the hypothesis that decimal support in JavaScript would be useful for many programmers. This survey aims to collect data to test that hypothesis, as well as determine the appropriate data model and operations to support real use cases. Your help is greatly appreciated! Contact if you want to get in touch to discuss further.
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Are there places in your code where you're afraid there might be a rounding error?
What is an application (or set of applications) in your organization which may use decimal numbers?
Does the application display decimal numbers to the user, take them as input, or do calculations with them? What are some ways decimals come up?
How big can the decimals get in size, at most ("magnitude")? How many decimal places are needed ("precision")? What causes these especially large and precise decimals to come up?
What are the various ways that decimals are represented today, both in JS and other languages, databases, network and storage formats, etc used in the application, both on the client and server side? E.g., number of cents, just a Number, string, a JS decimal library, decimal type in another language/system, etc. Are these representations working well? Any problems?
Does your application face errors due to incorrect rounding, even if it's very rare? What causes these errors? How are these avoided/overcome/mitigated?
Do decimals need to be rounded in your application, either by themselves or following some kind of calculation? What kind of rounding is done (e.g., rounding up .5 or above, rounding down, significant figures vs decimal places, etc)?
Do you ever need to present a decimal to the end user as text? Does this ever require locale-dependent processing (e.g., using the right thousands separator, "," vs ".")? How is this done now? Does it work well for you?
Do you ever need to do arithmetic calculations with decimals? Which ones come up in your application (e.g., addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, partition, sqrt, or anything else)? Is this calculation done in the client, server or both? When does this come up, and how does it work out for you today?
Does JavaScript seem like a good language to you, to do calculations with decimals? Could it be made suitable, or are other languages a better fit? If so, what makes those languages work well?
Any other comments about decimals in JavaScript?
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