Shama Retreats - Registration Form.              Retreat with Adela Serrano in Javea, Spain.
Join us in a transformational yoga retreat in nature. Don't miss your spot!

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Step 1 - Simply fill in the questionnaire with your personal information and accomodation preferences and send it. You will receive shortly the details on how to proceed with the on-line payment of the deposit
We don't use automatic reponses but we read all the registrations forms personally. Then, our reply could take a few hours, up to 24 hours during non-working days.
Step-2- Once we recieved the confirmation of your payment, your place will be reserved. We will send you the confirmation of your booking by email.
Personal Data
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
City *
Country *
Contact telephone *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Do you have a yoga practice? If so, how long have you consistently practiced and what type of yoga? *
Do you practice meditation? *
Do you have any injuries, pre-existing condition(s) or particular challenges that we should know about? *
Do you have any food intolerances or allergies? *
What inspires you to register for this Yoga Retreat? Anything else you would like to share about yourself? *
How did you hear about us? *
What type of room would you like? You can check the prices of each type of room in our web *
Shama Retrets does not share any personal details with third parties. You will only receive our newsletter with promotions and news about our yoga retreats and workshops *
Please, confirm that you have read the retreat payment, booking and cancelation policy in our website *
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