New Form: Kehillah Fall Sunday Soccer 2019 RSVP
We greatly appreciate your commitment to our children and our community. COACHES TRAINING with our AMAZING EPYSA (Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Association) Coach/Educator, JT Dorsey, will be on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER, 23th 5:30-7:30pm this is a rain or shine and if it is raining we will meet at Adath Jeshurun.

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Email *
Name: first name and last name exactly how you want it on your coaches badge *
Cell phone number *
My child(rens) division is/are: *
COACHES TRAINING with Coach Dorsey, EPYSA expert, on Monday September, 23th from 5:30-7:30pm at the Mandell Campus. However, if it rains we will meet at Adath Jeshurun. Please wear comfortable clothing, sneakers or cleats *
Do you have anything you want taught during the coaches training on 9/23/19? *
Sunday, September 29th is Eruv (the night that starts) Rosh Hashannah, in the past we have had enough coaches to play a morning session all times will be between, 10-1pm (there is no Hebrew School that day). If we have enough coaches that can come, we will have a morning session,  would you be willing to coach? *
I have received the coaches clearances information? *
I can come to the Coaches dinner on Monday 11/18 at Expresso Cafe *
Any Questions? *
Note Updated Date for flyer below is 9/23/19 5:30-7:30pm
Please let folks know about us! Please tell your friends to sign up, the season starts on 9/8/19
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