Clean Green Team Yearly Goals (2023-2024)
Check out these stats to see why setting goals and sharing them are so crucial:
25% success when you decide you are going to achieve a goal
40% success when you decide a target date to reach your goal
50% success when you make a plan for how to achieve your goal
65% success when you tell someone your goal
95% success when you ask for accountability

Let's make this month amazing!
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First & Last Name *
Preferred method of communication (so I can cheer you on and support you!) *
Contact info for above (i.e. phone number, email, facebook profile name) *
Who is your leader? (the person who asked you to join Norwex) *
Think of five people in your life that would benefit from knowing about Norwex! (products, hosting, opportunity, samples, etc.) *
What are five core values you'd like to see represented on our team? *
Are you interested in doing the team Summer Camp? *
What is your sales goal for next year? *
How many parties would you like to hold per month? (individual hosts) *
Are you interested in adding your customers to a party group where they can learn more about Norwex, without you needing to facilitate the party? These would happen a max of four times a year. Participation in one doesn't lock you into actively participating in more. And your customers can stay in the group! All of your guests' orders will come to you! *
Are you interested in participating in team challenges? These will involve sending products to your customers to try out, like samples.  *
Do you have a system in place for following up with your customers? *
Captionless Image
Do you have a promotion goal for the next Norwex year? *
How many new team members would you like to bring on in the next Norwex year? *
Would you like to set up a 1:1 Coaching Call (30 minutes) with Allison, Ginny or your RSM? *
On what topic(s) do you need more training to help you achieve your goals? *
What is your favorite color? *
When is your birthday? *
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