Elevate Your Game/Power Up the Rockies Sign-Up
Teams 1339, 1619, and 2996, along with Energy Day Colorado, is hosting a combined event on September 21st and 22nd on the Esplanade at East High School in Denver.

Elevate Your Game is a series of one hour workshops designed to help you and your team find greater success on and off the field in FIRST Robotics Competition. Following on the success of last year's event, we will be breaking the talks down into smaller segments with shorter time duration. Team 1619 will be providing expert advice in each session.

Power Up the Rockies is Colorado's first ever off-season competition event. Using the same (unofficial) field used for Week Zero, teams will be able to compete in a laid-back, casual, fun environment. Weather permitting, the event will be outdoors as part of Energy Day Colorado; if weather is bad, we will be inside of the school in two gyms (one for pits, on for the competition field). There will be a $1000 cash prize for the first place winners, and Ikea will be offering a "robotics lab makeover" for one deserving team. There will also be great opportunities to interact with companies that would like to sponsor or support your team.
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Email *
Team Number *
Team Name *
Team Location *
Contact Information *
How will your team participate in the event? *
How many people will you bring to the event, approximately? *
more than 40
Adult chaparones, coaches and mentors
Parents and other guests
Will you need a full pit space with power? (10x10) *
What topics would you most like covered at the Elevate Your Game sessions? *
What questions and concerns do you need addressed?
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