NYAC Incident Report
The New York Archives Conference is committed to support all participants and seeks to provide a welcoming and accommodating atmosphere to encourage networking, collaboration, and the sharing of ideas. We encourage positive participation and inclusion in order to foster a civil dialogue between attendees, speakers, volunteers, and staff members.

This form is for reporting any incidents that you experienced or witnessed that violate our code of conduct.

A name and email address are not required for submitting a report.  We can't follow up on an anonymous report with you directly, but we will fully investigate it and take whatever action is necessary to prevent a recurrence.

If you would feel more comfortable reaching out directly to a member of the NYAC Board, our contact information is available on the website: https://www.nyarchivists.org/nyac/about/board/

NYAC's full code of conduct is available here: https://www.nyarchivists.org/nyac/code-of-conduct/
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Briefly describe the incident. *
Please be as specific as possible so that we are able to address the issue to the best of our ability.
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Your email address
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