UNO-AAUP Membership Application
Dues include several memberships: 1) the UNO-AAUP; 2) the national AAUP; 3) the Nebraska State Conference of the AAUP; and 4) the American Federation of Teachers. You will receive a subscription to the monthly magazine Academe with your membership in addition to enjoying all the rights and privileges (including voting and holding elected office) that are thereby conferred.

During the first academic year of your eligibility, dues are just $10 per month! Thereafter, dues are automatically renewed and calculated at 0.75% (.0075) of your base salary (not to exceed $750). Dues will be collected confidentially through a monthly payroll deduction.
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Last Name
First Name
Faculty Rank
Is this your first year at UNO as a full-time faculty member? *
Campus Office Room/Building
Campus Email
Campus Phone
Home Mailing Address
City, State, ZIP
Non-Campus Email
Non-Campus Phone
Type of Appointment
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Type of Membership
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Certify Membership Electronically?
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