Users affected by LI.FI smart contract exploit dated July 16, 2024
Please fill out that form if you were affected by the recent exploit on the LI.FI contract so we can contact you directly.
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Email *
Wallet address *
Chain *
Signature Hash to verify wallet ownership *
In order to verify that you own the affected wallet please follow the steps below
1) (verify even if you are affected on arbitrum)
2) Sign Message
3) Connect affected Wallet
4) Add Message (copy the exact message):
I am affected by the LI.FI exploit.
5) Sign Message (screenshot)
6) Please do not publish the account verification signature. Instead, copy & input the hash/s below the image in the 'Your Answer' field
Captionless Image
Other accounts
Optional. Only used to match your previous requests. All our communication will be via E-Mail.
Discord handle
Telegram handle
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