Player Submission Form
Please use this form to fill in information that may be added to the website for players' individual pages. If you are a player that has played in a tournament that has not yet been archived by or you have not played in a tournament, your information will be held. Please also note, if you wish to edit information that has already been submitted, there will be a separate Google form named the Player Edit Form.
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Email *
What is your tag (GT)? *
What is your full name? (OPTIONAL)
What are your pronouns? (OPTIONAL)
What is your country of residence? If your country of residence is the United States, what is your state of residence? (OPTIONAL)
Are you a sponsored player/creator or a part of a clan/group? If yes, please fill in both the abbreviation and full name of the organization. If listing multiple organizations, please add them in the order you desire. Leave this section blank if you are not a sponsored player/creator. (OPTIONAL)
Please select your main character. Select only one. *
Please select any other characters you utilize. If you select more than four (4), your list may be abbreviated. If you do not use any other characters aside from your main, please type 'N/A' as your response. *
Please add links to any Twitter, Twitch, YouTube or TikTok that you wish to be added to your profile. (OPTIONAL)
Please use this space to fill in a small blurb that may accompany your profile. This text should reflect you; thoughts on yourself as a player, feelings about the game, your outlook when playing in competitions, trash talk, statements you want to make, things you want to clear up, other media links, etc. Please limit to no more than about 3 sentences max. (OPTIONAL)
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