Clothes repair sessions
The sessions focus on sharing repair skills to extend the life of your clothes. They provide an opportunity to repair or re-fashion your pre-loved items and meet like-minded people to share these skills and knowledge, regardless of ability. You can make clothes alterations, sew on buttons, fix torn seams, replace drawstrings, and more.
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Name *
Surname *
Email address *
Phone number
Which event would you like attend? *
Which session would you like to book? Please choose two options and we will then confirm your time slot closer to the date (sessions will last 30 to 40 minutes) *
What type of repair are you requiring? *
Finally, how did you hear about the repair session? *
Would you like to subscribe to our #ZeroWasteHackney mailing list to receive information about our zero waste  initiatives? Your information will only be used for this event unless you say yes to the mailing list. *
Thank you and see you soon :)
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