Making Room: Land Use and Resilience - REGISTRATION

May 22, 2024 - 9am to Noon

Light refreshments to be provided

Location: Community Room at the Kilton Library, 80 Main Street, West Lebanon, NH

Land Use Planning has an important job to guide and inform where each use is situated on the landscape.  Land has different potentials, values, and risks. Land may be connected or disconnected from existing human infrastructures. It may provide unique ecosystems or corridors for wildlife. While land is individually owned, impacts are often communally shared, both positive and negative. Fairness then requires that the community participate in the land use process. What can this process look like? Is it fair? Does our land use meet a community's goals to affordably make room for residents, to protect our natural resources, and further the local economy? Explore these questions and more with our speakers In the workshop portion, you will dive in more to practice and discuss activities for participatory decision making.

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