Frick numbers look like this: AINS-25-245, BAR-125-26, CLAR-98-2. If a specimen has a Frick number, but does not have an F:AM number, you *must* submit the specimen to the VP Curatorial Associate to be cataloged *before* scanning
Your answer
Is the specimen a fossil? *
Your answer
Your answer
Genus *
Your answer
Your answer
Element Scanned *
Please be specific.
Your answer
1A (Fossil Fish)
3A (Frick Building; Fossil Mammals)
5 (Tower)
20 (NSB; FARB specimens)
Your answer
Door/Cabinet/Shelf Unit
Your answer
Your answer
Purpose of Scanning/Research Goal *
Your answer
Researcher First Name *
Refers to the person performing the scanning
Your answer
Researcher Last Name *
Refers to the person performing the scanning
Your answer
Researcher Email Address *
Refers to the person performing the scanning
Your answer
Advisor First Name
If you are a student or post doc, this refers to your advisor's details. If you are staff, this refers to the curator you are performing the scanning for
Your answer
Advisor Last Name
If you are a student or post doc, this refers to your advisor's details. If you are staff, this refers to the curator you are performing the scanning for.
Your answer
Advisor Email Address
If you are a student or post doc, this refers to your advisor's details. If you are staff, this refers to the curator you are performing the scanning for.
Your answer
Home Institution *
Position at Home Institution *
Your answer
Curator/PI/Collaborator at AMNH First Name *
If you are a student, post-doc or staff at the AMNH, name the curator you work with. If you are an external researcher, name the AMNH curator who gave you permission to scan
Your answer
Curator/PI/Collaborator at AMNH Last Name *
If you are a student, post-doc or staff at the AMNH, name the curator you work with. If you are an external researcher, name the AMNH curator who gave you permission to scan
Your answer
Date of Scanning *
Institution Where Scanning Was Performed *
Has the specimen been housed in an approved CT mount? *
Specimens from the Division of Paleontology *must* be housed in a protective mount prior to being scanned. This mount can be made in the VP Prep Lab. Please contact the VP Curatorial Associate ( at least 2 weeks prior to your scanning date to arrange for the mount to be made.
By clicking below, and signing your name in the following field, you agree to the following terms: *