2024 YGC Needs Assessment
The Grand Rapids Community Foundation Youth Grant Committee has up to $50,000 in funding to give to programs that help youth in our area, and we need your help to make decisions about how to spend it.  As a student, you are the best person to tell us what challenges you experience, and what kind of programs might help you address them.  Please answer the following questions based on your personal experiences-- responses are anonymous.  ONLY RESPOND TO THIS SURVEY ONE TIME.

Please also share this survey with as many other high schools students as you can so we get a wide variety of perspectives: GRFoundation.org/YouthSurvey

You will have until Tuesday, October 1st to respond to this survey.

If you'd like to learn more about Youth Grant Committee, visit https://www.grfoundation.org/apply-for-funding/additional-funds/youth-grant-committee or email Chantal Pasag at cpasag@grfoundation.org.
What are the most significant things you worry about or sources of stress that you have experienced over the last two years?  Please select up to five. *
Are there any other significant things you worry about or sources of stress that are not listed above?  Please specify.
Which of the following would be the most helpful in addressing the issues you identified above?  Please select up to five. *
Are there any other things that would help you address the issues you identified in the first question that are not listed above?  Please specify.
School *
If you chose "Other" for school, please specify
Grade *
Zip Code *
Gender *
Race/Ethnicity *
OPTIONAL - Add your email below for a chance to win a $25 Visa Gift Card and some Grand Rapids Community Foundation (GRCF) swag!! only one entry per person.
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