Level Test - Món Idiomes English Academy
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Name and surnames - Nom i cognoms *
Date of birth - Data de naixement *
Telephone number - Telèfon de contacte *
E-mail - Correu electrònic *
Availability - Disponibilitat *
Why do you want to study English? - Per què vols estudiar anglès? *
Have you studied English before? How many years? Where? - Has estudiat anglès abans? Quants anys? A on? *
Are you studying at the moment? Which level/year? - Estàs estudiant? A quin grau/any estàs? (ESO, Batxillerat, Cicle Formatiu, Universitat...) *
Exam, Part 1 - Exàmen, Part 1
Read the sentence carefully and mark the correct answer.
1. How many people____ in your family? *
2. What time is it? ____. *
3. I get up at 8 o'clock ____ the morning. *
4. How much _____ where you live? *
5. Where are you going _____Friday? *
6.  _______ come to my party next Saturday?   *
7. What ______ in London last weekend? *
8. Is your English improving? I _____. *
9. I'm going to Sainsbury's _____ some food. *
10. Oxford is the most attractive city ______. *
11. Oxford isn't ______ Bath. *
12. He was mowing the lawn when I ______ him yesterday. *
13. Last Tuesday I _____ to the Passport Office. *
14.  What were you doing at 7:30pm on Wednesday evening? I ______ TV. *
15. What time ____ to bed during the week? *
16. Do you like Oxford? Yes, ________ . *
17. I'm afraid I haven't got _________. *
18.  This book is mine and that book is ____ . *
19. Would you mind ______ me the pencil?       *
20. I live in Oxford now.  ____ to France for a long time. *
21.  I don't understand. What language_____ ? *
22. She came to Britain _______ . *
23. My mother never____ out in the evenings. *
24. _______ Oxford?         *
25. _____ car is the red Ford? *
26. I'm sorry. I haven't done my report ______. *
27. My friend doesn't speak Chinese. I don't _____. *
28. That's the house ____. *
29. If _________. *
30. She asked me how big ______ . *
31. My friend let _____ his bike yesterday. *
32. _______, what would you spend it on? *
33. I _______ smoking last year, but I didn't. *
34. I'm ______ the film on Wednesday. *
35. I'm not _____ grammar. *
36. The film was very good. It's ________. *
37. I have difficulty __________ English. *
38. When I lived in France, I __________ a lot of wine. *
39. I wish _____ Russian. *
40. What will you do when ____ studying? *
41. The Chancellor ______ the new wing yesterday, but it isn't finished yet. *
42. I'd rather _____English than Swedish. *
43. No sooner _____ in through the door, then the phone rang. *
44. We are having the party at _______. *
45. If he hadn't known the boss, he ____ the job. *
46. I'd sooner ______ a car than a motorbike. *
47.  I need to go to _____ toilet. *
48. It's time _____ some work. *
49. It's now 9 o'clock and the train ____ arrive at 8:15. *
50. We regret _____ that the course has been cancelled. *
Exam, Part 2 - Examen, Part 2
Write maximum 100 words per question - Escriu màxim 100 paraules per pregunta
This is what I did last weekend. On Friday evening I... *
I think there are many advantages and some disadvantages to smartphones. First of all ... *
I think learning English is important / isn't important because ... *
In the future, when I'm older, I... *
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