Wedding Request - Initial Contact Form
Thank you for your interest in getting married at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, and congratulations on your engagement!

Please fill out the information below in order to get the process started.
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Bride's Name *
Bride's Address (Street Address, City, State, Zip) *
Bride's Phone Number
Bride's Email *
Is the Bride Catholic? *
If the Bride is not Catholic, what denomination or religion is she? *
Is the Bride a registered member of Holy Spirit Catholic Church? *
If the Bride is not a registered member of Holy Spirit Catholic Church, where is she registered? *
Has the Bride been married before? *
If the Bride has been married, has the marriage been annulled in the Catholic Church? *
Groom's Name *
Groom's Address (Street Address, City, State, Zip) *
Groom's Phone Number
Groom's Email *
Is the Groom Catholic? *
If the Groom is not Catholic, what denomination or religion is he? *
Is the Groom a registered member of Holy Spirit Catholic Church? *
If the Groom is not a registered member of Holy Spirit Catholic Church, where is he registered? *
Has the Groom been married before? *
If the Groom has been married, has the marriage been annulled in the Catholic Church? *
When would you like to get married? *
Would you like a Full Mass or just the Ceremony? (A Full Mass is a Mass with the exchange of vows within the Mass. The Ceremony is just the readings and exchange of vows. There is no difference in the fee for these.) *
Are you already civilly married outside of the Catholic Church? *
If neither of you are registered parishioners, what brings you to Holy Spirit for marriage? *
Please tell us a little bit about yourselves (how you met, when you got engaged, any other pertinent information you think we should know). *
Is there a particular clergy member whom you prefer to be prepared by and have officiate your wedding?

*Please note: If requesting an outside priest or deacon, please give his name in the additional comments further down on this form. He will need to send a letter to our pastor, Fr. Luke Ballman, stating that he will prepare you and/or requesting permission to officiate. If he is from another diocese, he will also need to request that his bishop send a letter of good standing to the Archbishop of Atlanta.
Our weddings take place on Saturdays at 2:00pm, 3:00pm, 7:00pm or 7:30pm.

Any deviation from those dates or times is at the discretion of the clergy and can be discussed at your initial meeting or phone call with your assigned clergy member.

Our church seats about 800 people. Our chapel seats about 150 people.

The non-parishioner rate for the church is $2000. The non-parishioner rate for the chapel is $1500.

The parishioner rate for the church OR chapel is $750.

The fee for the church or chapel includes altar flowers, the organist, and a day-of wedding coordinator.

The fee for marriage preparation ONLY is $300.

The full amount to reserve the church or chapel is due when you are ready to reserve the church or chapel. The full amount for marriage preparation only is due at your first meeting with the clergy. Payment plans are up to the clergy's discretion.

In order to obtain the parishioner rate, you must be a registered and active member of the parish for a minimum of 1 year (active and registered means that we have you registered in our database, and you give of your Time, Talent, and Treasure by regularly participating in our ministries and tithing).

If you will be prepared by an outside priest or deacon, please have that priest/deacon send a letter to Fr. Luke Ballman stating that he intends to prepare you and will submit the paperwork to the parish in a timely manner.

If you will have an outside priest or deacon officiate, he will need to send a letter to Fr. Luke Ballman requesting permission to officiate. If the priest or deacon is from outside the Archdiocese of Atlanta, he will also need to provide a letter of good standing from his Bishop.

Letters to Fr. Ballman can be sent to:
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Attn: Fr. Luke Ballman
4465 Northside Drive NW
Atlanta, GA 30327

In addition to marriage prep with a priest or deacon, you are also required to attend a Pre-Cana workshop. We offer one called Building Your Marriage Before It Starts. You may find more information about this workshop and register at

This information will be given to the Pastor, Fr. Luke Ballman. If you have not chosen a clergy member, he will assign you to one. You will hear from the clergy member within about a week to schedule your first appointment and/or go over the next step of the process.

We look forward to working with you as you take this important step in the beginning of your lives together!
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