Project Pericles Program Directors' Conference Feedback 
Thank you for making time to spend two powerful days together! As we move forward as a Periclean community, we want to understand how we can be most helpful and responsive. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. We look forward to all that lies ahead together.
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What are three ideas you are taking away from the conference?
We hope the sessions resonated with you, and would love your feedback on the extent to which each session was beneficial for your work. Please rate the following sessions to inform future convening planning:
Not relevant or additive
Somewhat helpful
Very worthwhile
Walk and Talk at Crum Woods
Civic Measurement and Assessment
Swarthmore Faculty Panel: Engaged Scholarship across Academic Divisions
Cultivating Integrity: Strategizing for Holistic Approaches to Civic Engagement
Deliberative Dialogue: Addressing Polarization and Finding Common Ground
Future of Debating for Democracy (D4D) and Student Activism Programs
Re-Visioning and Landscaping: Project Pericles in the Civic/Higher Education Ecosystem
Engaged Scholarship in Chester & Philadelphia
Chester Black History Bus and Walking Tour
For sessions you marked high, what made them valuable? We relish specifics to the degree possible.
For sessions that were less useful, how could they be improved?
Did anything surprise or challenge you during our time together? Please explain.
What, if anything, didn't we tackle together that you would like us to address in the future?
What, if any, open questions are on your mind?
Suggestions for Project Pericles staff to support your work moving forward? 
Suggestions for improving next year's conference, which will be at Skidmore Oct 28-30, 2025?
How important or valuable do you feel it is for Pericles to be engaging with campus presidents/provosts? Please explain. 
Additional Comments? (Feel free to address networking opportunities, conference format, moderators, travel, hotel, food etc.)
SAVE THE DATES: The 2025 Program Directors' Conference will either be:
October 28-29, 2025 (Tues-Wed) 
or October 29-30, 2025 (Wed-Thurs)

Thank you to our wonderful hosts, *Skidmore College* in Saratoga Springs, NY!

At this point, do you have a preference for dates? Or any conferences that may pose a conflict that we should check into? 
Name (optional)
Institution (optional)
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