Emergency Communication Information
In order to have up-to-date information for each student enrolled in our school district, we conducted a test of our emergency communication on November 11, 2024.  If you did not get all three forms for communication text, email and phone call, please complete and submit this form by November 22nd so we can update our records.  If you did receive all three forms of communication please do not complete this form. Thank you for your help.
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Email *
Your First and Last Name *
Please list the name of all your children that are enrolled in the West Deptford School District. (Staff members just enter "STAFF") *
Please check off the school that your children are enrolled in at the West Deptford School District.  (Staff members just select the building you work at) *
Which of the three communications, email, text and/or phone call, did you NOT receive? *
If you did not receive a text message, please list the number or numbers below that you would like to be added to your child/children's account.
If you did not receive a email, please list the email addresses below that you would like to be added to your child/children's account.
If you did not receive a phone call, please list the phone numbers below that you would like to be added to your child/children's account.
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