JRMS Permanent Pickup or Bus Change Form
Formerly "Permanent Walkers". Please fill out this form for each child who will be a Permanent Walker or have a permanent different bus for the 2024-2025 school year. Last year's Permanent Walker tag is not valid for this school year. One form per child. 
Email *
Student's Grade *
Student's Last Name *
Student's First Name *
Which days will this change?  *
Please select which days they will be picked up or get onto a different bus, or select "all weekdays" for every day. 
Primary Pickup Person
First & Last name according to their driver's license. 
Other Pickup Person
First & Last name according to their driver's license. 

Other Pickup Person
First & Last name according to their driver's license. 
Other Pickup Person
First & Last name according to their driver's license. 
Authorized Permanent Bus Change
What bus will your child take on the above days? 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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This form was created inside of Easton Redding Region 9 Public Schools.

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